What We Do

What We Do

top of the line aluminium

A material for all purposes

plates and blocks

As a supplier of aluminum cast plates alimex offers products with outstanding material properties, high precision and fast availability. alimex supplies high-precision plates and blocks for almost all sizes and cuts. The alimex products produced in the special cast-plate process offer the widest variety of surface and material properties – perfectly matched to the respective field of application. alimex sets the standard in the industry worldwide with its cast plate technology.

Our Product Range includes

  • Cast Aluminium Plates and Blocks, maximum thickness of 1,000mm
  • Surface Machined Cast Aluminium Plates (P), surface finish of 0.3µ Ra, thickness of +/- 0.1mm and flatness of 0.13mm per linear meter
  • Sawn Cast Aluminium Plates and Blocks (R), bespoke cut to size block and plate
  • ACP 5080 (EN AW 5083)
  • ACP 7 (EN AW 7021)
  • ACP 6000 (EN AW 7xxx)
  • Eloxpure ® (EN AW 5754)

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technical advice

Advice on aluminum: What works – and what does not work? What are the possibilities for optimisation and how can a specific problem be best solved? alimex experts know advice. Well-founded specialist knowledge in combination with proven practical know-how are the reasons for alimex’s outstanding global reputation for feasibility studies, technical questions, examinations and supply. Whether you have specific questions about choosing the right alloy, determining material properties or major development projects – the know-how of alimex experts can be requested.

Expertise and know-how worldwide

What works – and what does not work? What are the possibilities for optimisation and how can a specific problem be best solved? Numerous questions arise in the diverse areas of application of alimex aluminum. At alimex, we help you to answer them in an uncomplicated and well-founded way.

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